Mark 9:30-37

When they left that place, they passed secretly through Galilee.

Jesus said to the disciples as they traveled: The Son of Man will be delivered into the hands of the people, and they will kill Him. And after He is killed, He will rise on the third day.

But again they did not understand His meaning, and they were afraid to ask Him for an explanation.

At last, they came to Capernaum where they gathered in a house.

Jesus asked: What was it I heard you arguing about along the way?

They looked down at the floor and wouldn’t answer, for they had been arguing among themselves about who was the greatest of Jesus’ disciples.

He sat down with the twelve to teach them and said: Whoever wants to be first must be last, and  must be the servant of all.

He then called forward a child, set the child in the middle of them, and took the child in His arms saying:

Whoever welcomes a child like this in My name welcomes Me; and whoever welcomes Me is welcoming not Me, but the One who sent Me.


Listen to Pastor Tom’s meditation here:

To be a disciple is to serve others

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