In scripture, Jesus said: “Let the little children come to Me. Never hinder them! Don’t you realize – the kingdom of God belongs to those who are like children?” (Luke 18:16, The Voice Translation)
At MCC we believe that faith comes in all shapes and sizes, which most certainly includes our children. We have a variety of programs for youth to become active and engaged in their faith discovery. Children of all ages are also welcome to attend and stay in worship (wiggles and giggles included!) Assisted by our Pastor of Youth and Families, Rev. Dr. Marcus Hill, we seek to create welcoming spaces so that children know they are loved and valued in their faith community no matter who they are.
During the school year we follow a regular schedule on Sunday Mornings as outlined below. The most up to date information is in the bulletin (program) each week, as well as on a bulletin board at the beginning of the Sunday School wing. To create a safe environment we do ask each family to fill out a registration form found here
Ages Birth-3: Nursery Care is available each week from 15 minutes prior to worship to 15 minutes after worship. You are welcome to bring your child to the nursery at any time and pick up at any time throughout the morning.
PreK-8th Grade: Children begin in worship each week with their families. There is a children’s moment towards the beginning of the service which relates the adult meditation to the childlike perspective in each of us. After a prayer, the children are led by Pastor Marcus and our volunteers to a time together to do more exploring.
8th-12th Grade: Confirmation typically happens in 8th or 9th grade at MCC. Our high school students are encouraged to participate in worship or assist with the younger kids on Sunday mornings.