It is Congregational tradition to entrust the life, faith, and action of the church to its lay people, with the support of the Pastor. The church functions through committees elected annually by the membership of the church.
Let your light shine and share your gifts! Volunteering is the best way to experience all that MCC has to offer. Here are a few suggestions:
Teach Sunday School – Through our Christian Education Committee, children at MCC stay for the first 15 minutes of worship and then attend classes taught by church members. The Church School year runs from September through June and you can sign up to teach as many or as few classes as you want. Curriculum is provided.
Help our Deacons with Sunday Services – As a Greeter or an Usher you welcome members of the congregation to church on Sunday, or as Lay Leader you lead a prayer of invocation during the service. As a Coffee Server you help out at the weekly gathering that follows Sunday services.
Community Service – Serve dinner at Rosie’s Place, collect Christmas presents for the needy or collecting donations to fight AIDS in India. Our Outreach Committee relies on members of our congregation to help those in need and each year a different theme, such as Global Health, is chosen. Financial contributions to the many worthy charities we support are always appreciated.
Donate Flowers – Sign up to donate flowers to decorate the Chancel for Sunday services.
Make Music – Sing in our cherub, gospel or adult choir or play your instrument.
Growth and Development – Our Growth and Development committee is always looking for new participants to get the word out about MCC and bring in new members. Annual events include Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner and Game Night dinner.
Fundraising – Our Stewardship Committee plans the Church budget and collects pledges.
Work Days, Church Fair, Rummage Sale – Help our Trustees with one of the Work Days they sponsor throughout the year to save money on maintenance and keep our church in good condition.Help with the Twelve Shoppes of Christmas fair during the holidays or our fall rummage sale.