MCC has a new church database and directory which can be accessed through a website on your computer or an app on your smartphone or tablet.
It will help you track and manage your giving, update your information, and keep in touch with the MCC community.
It will help you track and manage your giving, update your information, and keep in touch with the MCC community.
Please create an account so we are sure
to have your updated information.
- go to mccsudbury.breezechms.com
- Enter your name and email address.
- If that name and email address match your information in the database, you will receive an invitation by email.
- If you do not receive an invitation, please contact us.
View Your Profile
When you log in, you’ll have access your dashboard which has all of the information you’ll need.
- access your giving record and pledging status; view and print your contribution statements by clicking on “Giving” on the side menu
- update your contact information, family & emergency contacts, and medical information.
- Please make sure to add/update your cell phone number and picture.
- to edit or add information: Click on the section header (eg. Main, Contact or Education)
View Church Directory
- view the names and contact information of current MCC members and friends. (Information will display based on the congregant’s privacy settings; please let us know if you’d like your information to only be accessible to MCC administration.)
Give Online
- donate to MCC by setting up single or recurring donations and managing payment methods.
- Sign in at MCCsudbury.breezechms.org
- Click on your name or picture under “My Profile”
- Click on “Giving” on the left side
- Change the start date to 01/01/2022 and the end date to 12/31/2022
- Review the amount for accuracy. If there is a discrepancy, notify the Assistant Treasurer
- Click on the down arrow next to “Download as Excel” and select “Print Statement”
- Click “Print Statements”
- Click “Print”
You can also access Breeze from your smartphone or tablet