We’ve got to believe stories about attacks and abuse. We’ve got to listen to the voices of women of color and transgender women and women who have been marginalized and minoritized, to hear their stories of being cast out and oppressed. But it’s not only about the abuse it’s not only about that “testimonial porn.” We’ve got to listen to the voices of hope and strength and courage and change. We’ve got to listen to the ways that God speaks through the rainbow of voices that bless our world.
Won’t You Be My Neighbor?
A meditation for Sudbury’s Interfaith Thanksgiving Service – “We’re all special but we’re not all the same. And that’s a good thing. Our world will become a better place when we recognize that our diversity is what makes our world wonderful. Our world will become a better place when we unite our minds and hearts and hands to work towards peace. When we bind together in community, risking embarrassment by expressing a radical love to others, risking rejection by offering an extravagant welcome to everyone we encounter and daring to remember that, no matter our differences, we are all neighbors.”