Join MCC as we march together in the Worcester Pride Parade. It is sure to be a fun time – rainbows, costumes and glitter, oh my!
The parade is a great chance to get the word out about our friendly church and let people know there is a place where they are welcome! This is really important, since many LGBTQ people still only hear the negative voices coming out of churches. We have the chance to bring more positivity and love!
Everyone is invited – bring your friends!
Wear something colorful and fun. 🙂
When & where:
Saturday, Sept. 10th.
Meet in the MCC parking lot at 8 am and we’ll carpool over to Worcester together.
We should return to Sudbury by around 1 or 2 pm.
More info:
The parade route is 1.5 miles. More info is here: http://www.