Enjoy the Show! Please consider donating through one of the methods below.
Videos will automatically go to the next song.
NOTE: There may be music in the live event that is not shown here. Permission to podcast/stream music was obtained from
One License with license A-717591 and CCLI Streaming License 20420221
MCC does not own the rights to Rest (Song of the Innkeeper) or God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen and shares only for educational and community purposes.
A portion of the proceeds will be given to the New England Musicians Relief Fund.
PayPal Giving Fund
No fees are charged to you or the church.
Give by Text
Text any amount + "Drive In"
to (978) 350-0600

Bank Check
Set up automatic bill pay through your bank and/or send checks to:
Attn: Financial Recording Secretary
Memorial Congregational Church
26 Concord Road
Sudbury, MA 01776