Originally posted at http://www.metrowestdailynews.com/news/20160614/memorial-congregational-church-to-offer-its-mystery-summer-program
SUDBURY — Memorial Congregational Church, 26 Concord Road, Sudbury, will offer this year’s summer program, “It’s a Mystery!” from 9 a.m. to noon June 27 through July 1.
Infants through children entering fifth grade can register as campers, while youth entering grades six-12 can register as counselors. Adults are also encouraged to participate as station leaders and helpers. Registration is open at MCCsudbury.org.
“It’s a Mystery!” is part of a curriculum written by Sandra Summers, MCC’s pastor of youth and families, featuring three main components: taking part in mission projects, learning Bible stories and building community through teamwork activities. Each morning opens and closes with live music, written specifically for the curriculum by composer Elizabeth Smith. The daily schedule allows campers a choice in how they spend the second half of their morning with options for sports, music, crafts, science, gardening and cooking.
Visit the church’s website for information about how to register, or those interested can visit the church and pick up a brochure and registration form. Registration fees are $70 per camper and $60 per counselor for the week with a $140-per-family maximum. Scholarships are available.