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Financial Policies and Procedure
PostedJanuary 21, 2025
Last Updated OnJanuary 21, 2025
MCC Financial Policies and Procedures
- Receipts for ALL debit card purchases must be given to the Treasurer.
- Place them in Cathy Abraham’s folder in the Treasurer’s mailbox at Church
- All receipts should be accompanied by a description of the purchase and the Budget Line #.
- This includes purchases using PayPal, Venmo, etc.
- If you are not able to get to Church, please take a photograph or scan and email them to treasurer AT
- Receipts for ALL credit card purchases must be given to the Treasurer.
- Place them in Cathy Abraham’s folder in the Treasurer’s mailbox at Church
- All receipts should be accompanied by a description of the purchase and the Budget Line #.
- If you are not able to get to Church, please take a photograph or scan and email them to treasurer AT
- Reimbursements should be requested using the attached form.
- Reimbursements should be made within 30 days of the date of purchase.
- The form must be accompanied by all receipts indicated on the form.
- These can be placed in Cathy Abraham’s folder in the Treasurer’s mailbox at Church
- If you are not able to get to Church, please take a photograph or scan and email them to treasurer AT
- The chair of a ministry may be asked for approval for the reimbursement which could delay payment.
NOTE: Checks are printed three at a time due to the configuration of the sheet of checks. This could delay payment
- Deposits: Please place all deposit slips in Cathy Abraham’s folder in the Treasurer’s mailbox at Church, or take a photograph or scan and email them to treasurer AT
- Continue adding deposits to the spreadsheet in the correct columns and add descriptions as necessary.
- Email deposit spreadsheet to Cathy Abraham twice per month – on the 15th and last day of the month.
- If a deposit is made in July, but should be credited to the previous Fiscal Year, please send the deposit spreadsheet as soon as possible after the deposit is made.
- Withdrawals: Please place bank receipts in Cathy Abraham’s folder in the Treasurer’s mailbox at Church, or take a photograph or scan and email them to treasurer AT
- Include a description for the withdrawal and the Budget Line #.
- All invoices must be approved by the Ministry Chair prior to payment.
- These invoices will be placed in the appropriate mailbox for approval. Once approved, please place the invoice in the Treasurer’s mailbox. Please take notice of the due date to ensure late charges will not be applied.
- Exceptions: utilities
- This includes any payments made using the checkbook in the possession of the Assistant Treasurer
- For Nursery Room Attendants – please send an email to Cathy Abraham with the dates and hours worked at the time payment should be made.
- For Organists and Other Musicians – Invoices should be provided by the musician and submitted to the Treasurer for payment
- Invoices are required for any outside Contractors and must be approved by the Ministry Chair.
Financial Policies and Procedure
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