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Conflict Resolution – MCC Staff

  1. Always try to speak with the staff member directly, remembering the guidelines of MCC’s Covenant of Respect. Speak openly, honestly, and prayerfully.
  2. If you do not feel that the issue has been addressed appropriately, speak with the staff member’s supervisor. A conversation should take place with you, the staff member, and supervisor together.
  3. If you still do not feel that the issue has been addressed appropriately, include the staff member’s personnel representative.
  4. If necessary, the Chair of the committee that works with the staff member will be brought in to the conversation next.
  5. Finally, if no resolution has been reached, the Chair of Church Council will be informed and invited to be part of the conversation.


Staff member: Senior Pastor
Supervisor: Pastor-Parish Relations Committee
Committee: Deacons

Staff member Office Administrator Minister of Music Church Sexton Minister of Youth and Families
Supervisor Senior Pastor Senior Pastor Senior Pastor Senior Pastor
Committee Music Trustees Christian Education
Staff member

Nursery Attendant

Director of Sudbury Bell Ringers Choir Section Leader

Youth Choir Director

Supervisor Minister of Youth and Families Minister of Music Minister of Music Minister of Music
Committee Christian Education Music Music


Conflict Resolution – MCC Staff
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